Not too long ago JZ'z lady purchased a new Mini Cooper and personalized her license plate with the moniker XTRASML. Which I think is awesome; it's cute and funny and personalized the whole experience. Unless of course JZ happens to be driving, then it's a direct attack on his manhood… literally.
Now clearly if JZ were to follow Man Law: 312 he would of course #1 never be caught behind the wheel of a Mini Cooper without life threatening circumstances being in play. But (and more importantly) Man Law: 312 subsection (E) clearly states that no man shall drive a car where the vanity plate may be misconstrued as to assault his manliness.
So what is a man to do to assert this manliness in this situation? Well, JZ did in fact sell his Element for… a Prius. While it's true the Prius is in fact not overly manly, it's missing a V8 engine, 4 Wheel Drive, or hint at an oncoming midlife crisis, all traditional hallmarks of man vehicles. It does show JZs readiness for change and I applaud him for that. Now my friend it's time to take the final step need to assert your manliness and strike a blow for men everywhere to truly make that car yours without having to pee on it.
JZ you need to get your own vanity plate.
It should come as no shock to you that I have taken it upon myself to come up with a short list of plates that I feel are worthy contenders to be displayed proudly on your car.
First off let me just say that I did not include any "Green" or "eco friendly" plates because they are fucking lame. Everyone these days is swinging on my "green" and "eco friendly" Johnson and I'm fucking sick of it. New cars that get 30 miles to the gallon? So did my dads '74 Gremlin... go fuck yourself. Ethanol is the fuel of the future? Oh really? I guess it could be if it wasn’t for the fact that the production of ethanol consumes more energy than it yields... go fuck yourself Mr. Bush oh and you too Teutul's for pandering to the right for ratings.
Anyway I know that you've been away from XBL pursuing new hobbies and I think that's great, so may I suggest theses hobby related plates.
With all that yoga you've been doing you should be a master of the Flying Warrior, Tree, and Downward Facing Dog stances and people should know damn it. Easy reader was inspired by Morgan Freeman's character a smooth hipster who loved to read on the Electric Company. Solid my brother... you should post some book reviews. Sure those are good but I’m not sure that they convey enough manliness... so I upped the manly factor with the following plates.

That's right, let those commuter fools know you have a strong pimp hand and aren't afraid to use it. They want to cut you off, let them but the're going to pay. And we all know that you can lay some pipe so there's nothing to say there.
I was tempted to suggest the plate below to show your skills as a ladies man but we've all heard the stories, we've all seen the pictures, your skills are legendary.

In the end I feel that there is just one plate with enough bravado enough machismo to crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women. The yang to your ladys yin, I give you: