Friday, March 07, 2008

Honky Talk

I'm sure you all have seen this by now.

I would just like to add for the record that I sometimes listen to NPR while driving to yoga in my Prius. I am not fucking with you. What do I win? Oh, an adopted Chinese girl baby? Fucking sweet. I'll put it next to my Big Lebowski figurines*.

*Not yet on the list: collecting and displaying toys (hello, Oregon!). A prediction about the site's future- #100 will be the site itself and then it will implode and condense into a tiny dot of the purest whiteness. Also, if they haven't been contacted about making a coffee table book**, then capitalism does not work.

**Should also be on the list.

Now back to your Japanese stalker rape porn. Needs more tentacles!

Monday, March 03, 2008

For Coop

Because now I can't get, "I've been robbed by two men" out of my head.
Thanks jackass*.

*salty talk™ approved.


I guess this is what Japanese people think they will run into in the streets of America when vacationing:

The aerobics dancers and their cheery demeanor were actually the scariest, like clowns...who do not mean to scare the shit out of you but do anyway.