Hostel tells the story of 3 backpackers Josh, Paxton, and Oli (By the way, this Oli is way cooler than the Oli we know because he scores a lot of hot Euro tail. Still as I immediately felt a connection with this character I was slightly conflicted. On the one hand engaging in a 3 way with 2 Chech girls is cool but then I couldn’t help but feel a responsibility to shout at the screen “Oli don’t bang that Euro skank… you don’t know where she’s been! At least wear a condom!” You know Oli, always a fan of the bareback.)
What was I saying..?
So these 3 guys are traveling through Europe and making a point to smoke or bang anything that gets in their way. It's During their visit to Amsterdam that they’re told about this out of the way hostel in Slovakia where the local ladies are more than willing to accept any male companionship that might turn up. So of course they go check it out and it’s not long after their arrival that the finger-chopping, Achilles heel-slashing, blood-soaked apron wearing begins. Oh and then there was that part with the drill…UGH!
Good stuff I’m telling you. There is even a cameo by Takashi Miike who plays a satisfied customer. In comparison to his films this one is tame, so if you wanted something a little more visceral or are just a fan of piano wire may I suggest The Audition.
All in all for its fun and hedonistic portrayal of backpackers, babes, drugs, and all that torture stuff in an exotic far away locals I give it 2 thumbs up.