Rumor has it that there is some “killer workout” floating around out there. Personally I’d like to see what that’s all about if it’s all the same to you guys. I’ve been working out on the fairly consistent side for just over a month now. The current resurgence was partially driven by “supplements” which I’ve since stopped using and a visit to the WB site. Odd I know but just go with me on this….

I was looking for info on Batman Begins (2) and I went to the WB site and instead found a link to
The 300. Which if you’re into movie making or like to see the DVD bonus features before the film is not to be missed. In one of the featurettes they discuss the physical training for the actors and how they never repeated the same workout routine, which I found interesting. So I set out to vary my own routine.
For the first two weeks I did what I would call my normal workout and then I dug through my storage closet and found the mother of all workout tomes
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding. I

have the dirty 70’s version not the cleaned up prissy ass PC new one. There are 3 levels of workouts with step by step guides and pictures to mold you into to pure steel. I have never ventured too far from the basic work out and given that roids shrink your balls and give you acne I doubt I ever will. But It’s a fantastic book full of old skool exercises. If you ever wanted to fuck with the would be gym tough guys ( the ones who make a lot of noise while attempting to life the entire weight stack on a machine while using poor form) adding any one of the following exercises to your workout will easily do the trick: Deadlifts, Bent over Rows, Barbell Clean and Press, or Standing Triceps Extensions with Barbell. No one does these anymore, at least not at 24 and nothing says I will eat your babies like a well executed clean and press followed by a crazy stare.
This week I’m starting some crazy ergo crap I pulled from my Men’s Health days. But I’m always looking for something new so if you want to post your own workout or would like the Govanator’s special recipe for strenf let me know and I will post it as well.
"nothing says I will eat your babies like a well executed clean and press followed by a crazy stare". That be the truth right there. I personally like to give the crazy stare after the skull crusher, but that's just me. I'll post big Steve's crazy Mike workout in a bit. It's good fun too because he's old skool just like your boy the Govenator. I head back to the gym tomorrow and am looking forward in the near future to the days of tight rolled up short sleeved shirts sans cigarette pack.
Deadlifts scare people. I like to pretend I have bumper plates and drop the bar. That wakes 'em up.
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