Mike you failed to give the link (hit the rider) to the mega blockbuster which will be released on an unsuspecting public just in time for Valentines Day next year. Im sure that there is a well thought out marketing scheme for that one as well.

Not even Eva Mendez and her hot ass will be able to save this one Im afraid. Oh and that is a hot ass…… ummm nummy. Oh by the way, was that a ghost horse that I saw near the end of the trailer? Just checking.
Lucky me I just turned on TNT and Torque was on. Just in case you didn't know it's the street bike version of the Fast and the Furious. It has an incredible unknown cast that includes Ice Cube. Torque also has never before heard of chase scenes that not only boasted two handed gun play but also a bit where the 2 main characters jump on top of a moving train and then race across it's roof, pure cinematic genius. Hidden gem: Brief cameo where Dane Cook makes an appearance and the Y2K superbike that has a Rolls Royce Allison gas turbine engine. (There' s a featurette on the DVD don’t ask how I know, I just do)

Honorable mention:
Hollow Man 2: Staring Christian Slater and a whole bunch of other out of work actors. Available now at a Hollywood Video near you. There isnt even a trailer for this one. I wonder why?
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift: This 3rd installment starts lil Bow Wow (just Bow Wow now) and some other guy. Check the trailer.
1 comment:
Whaddya say we all pitch in and buy Eva some clothes that fit? Yeah, I don't want to either.
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