So last night I finally made it to the rank of Sergeants Major in our beloved Rainbow 6 Vegas. Overall the achievement was a little underwhelming considering the time to benefit ratio involved. Although, I was reminded of a conversation with a very drunk Mrs. Shook in the men’s bathroom about how "Jerry was going to be Sergeant Major...” Man sometimes I miss those days, you could never predict what was going to happen from one minute to the next.
Unfortunately reaching SMAG doesn’t unlock anything really cool, you get some new armor but the only difference between it and the armor you’re given at SPC is the way it looks. So that was kind of a let down.
This lead me to look towards my next advancement of 2nd LT, which after completing a few games over lunch lead me to this computation: it takes about 7 wining games at or over 15 minutes to fill up one bar on your rank card, and you need 5 bars + the extra invisible bar to make the next level so that would be about 42 games and 10 & 1/2 hours invested to make LT.
Apply that logic to the rest of the remaining ranks and you'll have played over 63 additional hours before you make it to Elite and that's only if you win... every game you play.
Just something to think about.
Unfortunately reaching SMAG doesn’t unlock anything really cool, you get some new armor but the only difference between it and the armor you’re given at SPC is the way it looks. So that was kind of a let down.
This lead me to look towards my next advancement of 2nd LT, which after completing a few games over lunch lead me to this computation: it takes about 7 wining games at or over 15 minutes to fill up one bar on your rank card, and you need 5 bars + the extra invisible bar to make the next level so that would be about 42 games and 10 & 1/2 hours invested to make LT.
Apply that logic to the rest of the remaining ranks and you'll have played over 63 additional hours before you make it to Elite and that's only if you win... every game you play.
Just something to think about.
I wish these games would give realistic armor upgrades. Such as the rank of SPC and below you get none, or old Vietnam flak jackets which give you no armor bonus but would slow you down and cause you to carry half of your load-out at any given time. Also, it would be cool if the flak jacket could make you dehydrate to death in a given period of time.
For SGT and above, up to 1SG, you get armor that works...once. For 1SG and CSM (and other sergeant major ranks) you do not get armor, but you receive uniforms starched so perfectly that they actually cause cut damage to enemies, and allies alike, when you come into contact with them. In addition to the starch, there is also a huge wooden army desk complete with NSN that follows you around and gives you frontal protection equal to an APC. There should also be a steaming mug of coffee, camo'ed with an Army coat of arms, which acts as a reserve molotov cocktail or WP grenade in a pinch.
For 1LT, you get great armor however, your map randomly places your indicator in areas where you are not, and your compass points in random directions. For CPT, instead of armor you get a HMMWV complete with a driver who does all of your work while you figure out how to work the night-vision and comms equipment in the game. This could be affected by randomly blacking out your night vision to simulate leaving the lens covers on and sometimes cross-talk with the enemy to simulate dropping in on the enemy net.
Holy crap that was funny. The LT part especially. Don't forget being provided with an endless supply of MRE's in order to find the "good pound cake". Also, you can't move from LT to CPT unless you perform an inventory of everything in the game to include cable lengths for radio gear...
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