Perhaps I have a secret love for classic rock? Now, I do agree with Coop in that they seem to only play the same 20 songs over and over and I am aware of studies that have shown prolonged exposure to Thursdays rock blocks can lead to cerebral hemorrhaging but most side effects are mild to moderate. But come on if these bands were putting out new music then they wouldn't be classic now would they? Besides other radio stations play the same 20 songs over and over and then throw in the occasional 80’s lunch box or Friday flashback to cover up the fact that their programming list is lacking. I should never have to hear anything from Live’s Throwing Copper ever. There is no excuse for that. And yet anytime I decide to turn off the IPod and check the airwaves to see if there is something out there that I’m missing within 5 minutes or 2 station switches there it is … Fucking Lightning Crashes. Fuck I hate that song.
Where I have a problem is when you start hearing bands that have no place on a classic rock station. Yes, while tired and overplayed the Stones, Zeppelin, and Skynard are all expected but Motley Crue…? Nirvana…? Poison…? Funny yes, amusing indeed, but classic no sir I think not. I’ve even heard U2 on the Bone, what is U2 even doing on that station? They not even in the same genre of music.
It’s like ITunes suggesting that if you like The Crystal Method you’ll probably like Sara McLachlan or my other fave if you likes The Artic Monkeys you might like Dr. Laura Schlessinger, who is making these connections? It boggles the mind.
Ahhhhh screw it all, I’m going to go listen to some Bon Jovi.
Miguel, the fact that you're a card carrying member of the 107.7 The Bone Club (tm) is both disturbing and amusing. Next time I'm down in the San Ho, we're going to need to discuss what other secret membership cards you hold.
Isn't "Lightning Crashes" in the Guinness book for some obscure feat of being "The Only Rock Song to Successfully Rhyme the Word 'Placenta'" Or did they even rhmye it?
lightning crashes, a new mother cries
her placenta falls to the floor
the angel opens her eyes
the confusion sets in
before the doctor can even close the door
Ummmm yeah so I guess there was no rhyming of placenta.
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