There are currently 7 maps to choose from for a standard death match and game play is set up like Battlefield 2 where there are 5 character classes to choose from and then points are earned for kills or class specific actions. These points get you rank and rank unlocks what's called career unlocks which can be used to upgrade career specific talents. Each class is subdivided into primary and secondary abilities and primary and secondary weapons types.

I like to play the medic so in my case career unlock “revive” will upgrade my ability to heal or by upgrading “triage” I am able to create a bot to cover me while I skirt the battlefield in search of injured teammates to revive. As a side note few people in the games I played actually waited around for medical help before respawning, however I found that a medic with bot assistance can also give a great tactical advantage to your team if forwardly deployed. At its final stage “revive” allows the medic to heal himself essentially respawing in place.
The real fun is in the Warzone game mode, which consists of all game modes in one. At first I thought it meant that I would play a game of deathmatch which would end and then it would be followed by a new game of Capture the flag or Territories as is common in other games such as COD or Halo but surprisingly this is not the case. No sooner does a round of CTF end then your sides’ commander Admiral Orlock / Helghast or Captain Narville/ISA comes over the radio and issues new objectives to achieve and play continues, in Killzone 3 it all happens back to back with no reset! It’s like playing four games in one. I highly suggest this game mode as the standard maps are extended in size and scope to accommodate up to 24 players making you fell like part of a larger more realistic battle.
1 comment:
Text me your call-sign on PS3 network. I've got KZ3 and it is cool. I just don't have internet right now.
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