Now as to why the Baroness is a 360 achievement hater I still don’t know. We had that conversation the last time we were all together and I don’t know if I ever really recovered. After that I tried not to care about the achievements, hell some games like Call of Juarez make it easy not to care as their achievements are so arbitrary that you may never get them, and I’m ok with that. But I took a look today and I noticed that I’m now over the 10,000 mark which I couldn’t help but feel pretty good about.
Hummm should I wear it like a badge of honor or a testament to my poor time management. I don’t know…
After much review I have decided that if one really looked at it, JZ is no Destro. Not the Baroness isn’t hot because she is but the fact is Destro was always depicted as being a little soft on the show ( I never read the comic so maybe he was portrayed differently there). Besides… what the fuck is his mask made of, metal, rubber? It’s awful shiny like metal but when he talks his lips move! It’s crazy… but more than that when looking at the Joes I thought that a few of them bore more than a slight resemblance to JZ. Please observe below: If you ask me JZ looks more like Torch, Monkey Wrench, and maybe Shipwreck. Incidentally I think that Shipwreck is the only Latino Joe and here I always thought he was from Boston.

As a side note, I probably have about $3000 worth of G.I. Joe shit that has appreciated to over $10K (I hope). Including the first 100 comics
Fuck that punk ass TV show with its bitch-ass PSAs at the end on crazy stuff like accepting differences, not picking on handicapped kids, or playing with fire.
The point is, Destro was always the CFO. He didn't want Cobra Commander fucking up his bottom line; he developed, manufactured and sold all of Cobra's weapons. He wanted Cobra to start stuff here and there to create an arms market he could supply, thus increasing profit. Destro did not buy into plans for global military domination...he thought it could be achieved financially.
The rub between him and the Baroness was she swore an oath to fight for Cobra Commander, even though she grew disillusioned herself with his aims and means. but honor would not let her quit and leave Cobra with Destro, which is why Destro hung around so long until he left and started his own army.
Damn, the inner geek just has to come out sometimes and I used to make fun of Trekkies.
I really enjoyed your deconstruction of Destro's motives. Also, in the new "live action" Joe Movie set to be released in '09, Cobra Commander is a dark figure with Destro and the Baroness playing a more central role. I just hope we get to see Major Bludd and my favorite Joe, Quinn. Coop, you'll remember him from comic number 15.
And JZ as torch? Priceless.
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