So I was reading some Kotaku as I’m known to do and I came across an article about the upcoming Soul Cailbur 4. It looks like everything in this game keeps getting BIGGER and better. All I can say is … AWESOME! Now JZ knows that I’m a big fan of the cailbur and even though I told Jace not to buy it we still had a good time playing it during our escape to OR. NOTE: Always rent first my friends… unless the game is part of the Halo or Half Life series. But SC4 looks like it going to blow all other versions away. Ever wonder if chicks could really fight in G- String thongs? Why yes, yes they can! Check out the video below or maybe watch DOA. I’ve been intentionally avoiding that film every time I go to BB but we all know I’m going to give in one day. Come on I’ve seen EVERY Wesley Snipes movie out there (Most of them with Mike) so that lets you know where my “quality” threshold sits. Anyway so far this game seems set to rival DOA2 Extreme for cleavage animation / physics. Mike Im going to get one of these games for your boy when the time comes to talk about the birds and the bees… you know depending on what message you wanted to go for regarding women, that they’re all about violence + bikinis or grinding on trees + bikinis, your choice. I see it as a win win really.
I really don't know how to respond here. I mean, I'm a big fan of the Wesley Snipes, but dude, you have a lot of time on your hands. I can't even contemplate fighting in a thong. It was hard enough to fight in the banana hammock you provided me before the cruise.
Ohhhhhh yeah! You and those dudes from the 300!
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