Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Weiner Is His Name...

And cuttin' mufukkas is his game. I saw ol' "Look at my" Weiner today and he gave me the green light for resuming the consumption of alcoholic beverages. I thanked the Doc for his steady hands and he told me to lose weight and quit being such a pussbag about my liver. I thanked him again for his steady hands.
I had a feeling things would go well. Before I left, I opened the mail, and there by God was a letter from Prager. We all know how I feel about the Prager. They were writing to remind me to update my CC info before the April 25th shipment of liquid heaven. Prager knows, they always know.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled progamming....

1 comment:

jz said...

I think Alanis would say Prager sending you that notice on the heels of this good news was "ironic". She'd still be wrong, but she'd say it. All praise the Weinermaster.